You may be asking yourself how to open a dispensary in Oregon, but think that it may be too difficult and complex for you to do on your own. Yes, it can be hard to get started in the cannabis dispensary business without any help, but help is available to people who are interested in getting involved with this worthwhile business opportunity. Networking with like minded individuals and speaking with professionals at Oregon Cannabis Institute workshops will give you the knowledge needed to understand all the facets that go into running this type of business.
Getting business, legal and tax advice from trusted mentors and professionals with experience can make the difference between a successful experience in business or facing failure in establishing your business. Checking out OCI is a great start to learning how to open a dispensary in Oregon and helps to give you with the tools that are necessary to be successful in your endeavor.
You can learn the about how to open a dispensary in Oregon and the answers to all of your questions in our next seminar in Portland.
Oregon Cannabis Institute with attorney and industry professionals and will be hosting this live seminar to go over all aspects of marijuana business operation.
At OCI – it all begins with helping YOU to understand what is proper, lawful and appropriate!
Our hands on marijuana business start-up seminars are perfect way to learn how to start a business following all Oregon HB 3460 laws. You get an intense day of advanced information about how to start and operate a cannabis business. Find out how, click here for more information.