Thinking of obtaining a marijuana business license for Oregon, but not really sure what information is needed to get started? Oregon Cannabis Institute is your go-to source for all things on opening a dispensary. This is an opportunity for you to not only learn what it takes to get a marijuana business license for Oregon, but a great deal of other necessary information, as well.
Operating a dispensary takes a great deal of knowledge about the industry, and this knowledge can be gained through seminars, mixers, and networking events with OCI. Speaking with professionals already in the business, lawyers knowledgeable about the current rules and regulations in place along with other professionals in a variety of fields is the best way to learn about your rights and responsibilities as an owner once beginning the process of applying for a marijuana business license. Having experts to answer questions about getting a marijuana business license will assist you in making a decision about your potential future in this cannabis industry.
You can learn the about a marijuana business license and the answers to all of your questions in our next seminar in Portland.
Oregon Cannabis Institute with attorney and industry professionals and will be hosting this live seminar to go over all aspects of marijuana business operation.
At OCI – it all begins with helping YOU to understand what is proper, lawful and appropriate!
Our hands on marijuana business start-up seminars are perfect way to learn how to start a business following all Oregon HB 3460 laws. You get an intense day of advanced information about how to start and operate a cannabis business. Find out how, click here for more information.